This event took place on September 22, 1862 in Washington D.C. This event did not introduce any new specific technology to the Civil War. The outcome of this event was the new found freedom of enslaved people still within the confederate states. This event greatly impacted the driving force of the Union. It moved the war's focus of preserving the union to the focus of abolishing slavery. This event was important because it showed the Union’s morals and attracted the attention of African American soldiers which gave the Union yet another advantage.
The suspension of Habeas Corpus took place on September 24th, 1862. There was no new technology introduced during the suspension of Habeas Corpus. This allowed American citizens to be arrested without knowing the charges against them and prevented them from filing reports against potential unlawful imprisonment. This assisted in maintaining control in the North as Confederate sympathizers were able to be dealt with through unconstitutional methods. The suspension of Habeas Corpus was important in setting a precedent as to what America should pursue during deeply divided, challenging times.
This event took place in November of 1864 in Washington D.C. This event did not introduce any new specific technology to the Civil War. The outcome of the Election of 1864 was president Lincoln’s landslide victory. The election affected the war's outcome by ensuring that the drive of the war would remain the same. This event was important because it was the event in which it was decided that Lincoln would remain the leader of the country and that he would continue to lead American troops through war.
This event took place on April 14, 1865 in Washington D.C. This event did not introduce any new specific technology to the Civil War. The outcome of this event was the death of president Lincoln after nine hours of fighting for his life. Due to the war having already been over at the time when this event took place it did not directly affect the outcome of the war but it did however, impact the reconstruction after the war. This event was important because it marked a time of great sadness for the nation as it ended the life of a beloved president who is still greatly remembered even in modern times.